American FactFinder Address Lookup Alternative – USgeocoder Address Lookup
Easier to use, more up-to-date, better coverage
US Census American FactFinder (AFF) will be taken offline on March 31, 2020. Are you looking for an American FactFinder address lookup alternative for geographic information? Try USgeocoder’s live demo:
USgeocoder live demo provides most geographic information that American FactFinder Address Lookup provides. It’s FREE to use! More important, it provides more up-to-date congressional and state legislative district information, and covers more addresses than American FactFinder does!
As with American FactFinder, USgeocoder Live demo performs address lookups however; users of both platforms tell us, USgeocoder is easier to use! Click here to learn more about how to use USgeocoder Live Demo as an American FactFinder alternative to search US Census geographies by address lookup.
In this article, you will learn the similarities and differences between the results produced by American FactFinder address lookup and USgeocoder address lookup.
American FactFinder Address Lookup Results Vs. USgeocoder Address Lookup Results.
The US Census is one of the raw data sources USgeocoder uses. USgeocoder stores US Census data on its own cloud servers and updates it when the US Census issues a new release.
USgeocoder offers the following information formerly found via American FactFinder:
- County
- County Subdivision
- Municipality (Incorporated City)
- Census Block, Block Group, Tract
- MSA (Metro/Micro Statistical Area)
- Urban Area
- Congressional District
- State Legislative District (State Upper and Lower House Districts)
- Voting District
- School District
- 5 digit zip code
USgeocoder tailors its data offerings to customers’ needs. Some information is less in demand than the others. As such, the following information was returned on American FactFinder though not yet on USgeocoder:
- Region
- Division
- Principal City (or part) within State within Metro/Micro Statistical Area
- Metro Division Within Metro Statistical Area
- PMSA within CMSA
- Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA)
- Economic Place
As one of the few OEM geocoders in the US, USgeocoder expertise is in location lookup and district matching utilizing its core geocoding technology. In addition to US census data, USgeocoder also integrates other data sources such as US Postal System (USPS) data, state and local boundary data, and tax rate data into its database. By utilizing this geocoding core technology, USgeocoder has extended its offerings beyond geographies. The following is information found on the USgeocoder website but not on American FactFinder:
- Geocodes (Latitude and longitude)
- Standardized Address per USPS or US Census standards
- Zip5+4 (Zip9)
- Carrier Route
- Elected Officials and their contact information, including National Senator, House of Representatives, State Executives (Governor, Lt. Governor, SOS, Treasurer, AG), State Senator and State House of Representatives.
- Sales and Use Tax Rate Information
The following are images showing the dataset provided by the current American FactFinder and USgeocoder as of March 7, 2020.
American FactFinder:
Following is image that shows the results for the same address on USgeocoder live demo:
If USgeocoder live demo provides all the information you are looking for, it is definitely a great alternative tool to replace American FactFinder. For the more, USgeocoder provides more up-to-date information and more coverage than American FactFinder does.
USgeocoder provides more up-to-date congressional and state legislative district data than American FactFinder.
With American FactFinder as of March 7, 2020, the most recent congressional district is the 115th Congress. And the state legislative districts are for 2016.
Redistricting happens on a regular basis throughout the US. Here are the changes for congressional districts and state legislative districts since 2016.
116th Congress started on January 3, 2019. Congressional redistricting took place in Pennsylvania in 2018 and the new boundaries were used for the 116th Congress. See details on
As a result, Pennsylvania has different congressional district boundaries than what it had for the 115th Congress. For example:
Old 115th Congressional District: 14
New 116th congressional District: 18
Old 115th Congressional District: 2
New 116th congressional District: 1
Likewise, state house redistricting took place in Virginia in 2019 and the new state house boundary has been in use since Jan 3, 2020. See details at
Here are a couple of examples of the state house district changes for Virginia addresses:
11521 Coalboro Rd, Chesterfield, VA 23838
Old State Lower House District: 66
New State Lower House District: 63
9536 Dawnshire Rd, Richmond, VA 23237, USA
Old State Lower House District: 62
New State Lower House District: 70
USgeocoder covers more addresses than American FactFinder.
Some 5-10% of the US addresses are not covered in the census database but in the US Postal System (USPS) database. USPS updates its database on a monthly basis. Census normally updates on a yearly basis. This means the US Census database is normally one year behind adding new addresses. Because USgeocoder also works with USPS data as well as state and local government agencies, it covers more addresses than US Census does.
For example: 3001 N AIRFIELD DR, Dallas, TX 75261
On American FactFinder, it’s showing “FactFinder was not able to locate the address you entered”.
When users enter the same address on USgeocoder Live demo (, the address is not only located but returned with relevant supporting information.
In addition, USgeocoder also provides data for PO Box, Rural route, General Delivery services. These address types cannot form the basis of a search inquiry on American FactFinder.
For those who want to save time on searching or need to auto-populate geographic information in their apps…
The USgeocoder Live demo can lookup one address at a time at no charge. Otherwise, if you have a list of addresses or need to integrate lookups into an application, consider the USgeocoder fee-based batch processing and API services.
GIS Address Batch Process service
All you need to do is to provide your address file with street address and zip code information to USgeocoder in csv, excel or text format. USgeocoder will batch process your address file and send you the result file in its original format with the requested information appended to each address.
USgeocoder can also produce the same district information using latitude and longitude through batch processing.
Lead-time depends on the number of records and the quality of the addresses. The normal turn-around time for a 100,000 addresses record file is 1-2 business days.
For more information on how address batch processing works, please visit:
API Services
USgeocoder API auto-populates geographies information for any online application.
USgeocoder API users can access the USgeocoder engine using either a street address and its 5 digit zip cod , or geocodes (latitude and longitude) to obtain desired information for their online applications in real time.
For more information on how API works, please visit:
USgeocoder provides 100% privacy guaranteed.
USgeocoder is HIPAA, FERPA, RFPA, BSA, PATRIOT ACT, GDPR and all State’s Privacy Acts compliant. It was built from the ground up to make it impossible to scrape clients’ data. Clients’ data remain 100% confidential.
To learn more about USgeocoder capabilities, please visit:
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